Biomechanical Check Up 1
What is it
The bike fit session “Biomechanical Check Up 1” is a session made of varied checks that allows for optimal saddle set up, a follow up to the “Adjustment of contact points” anthropometry, video capture and analysis of cyclist pedaling, (both forward facing and laterally) and professional adjustments of the bike set up done on the workstand desk measurevelò (DMV).
What is included
The “ Biomechanical Check Up 1” is made up of the following separate elements:
- Regulation of cleats
- Examination of what would be the ideal saddle type
- Find ideal handlebar
- Snthropometric measurements
- Video analysis (sagittal view, forward facing and laterally)
- Professional adjustment of the bike set up done on the workstand desk measurevelò (DMV).
Who is it for
For all cyclists of every age, sex and level, for those who are interested in improving their position on the bike, comfort levels and performance in the saddle.
- Indications can be given when buying a bike frame which is most suitable and for bike components (dimension,size and shape)
- Ergonomics and comfort on the bike.
- Improved performance as the cyclist pedals.
- Professional adjustment to the bike set up
Technical Data Sheet
- Name of service: Biomechanical Check Up 1
- Classification: varied service
- Equipement used: Softvelò, Antropovelò or SiveVelò, KinematicsVelò, MovieVelò, CleatVelo_Tablet, Cleatvelò, IschioVelò, DynaVelò, DeskMeasureVelò
- Enabled centres: PointVelò, LabVelò
- Required for the session: Cycling shoes,summer cycling gear, cyclist's own bike (in order to make adjustments to the postion or in cases without the bike neccesary to be carried out at a later date)
- Note: Analysis of pedaling done on cycling simulator DynaVelò
- Period of validity: Check recommended once every 12-18 months, or in cases where there is a change in bike or components. (shoe-cleat, saddle, handlebar)
- Duration: About 90-100mins