Your Top Riding: cycling evolution It took man 2 million years to go from four-legged to standing position.How long will it take for humans to achieve perfect use of the bike? How long will it take me to reach an ideal position on my bike to reach the top of comfort, performance and fun in my ride? The two questions are apparently the same in reality there is a subtle difference. Methodology and Method The first question refers generically to the human being, man or woman, interacting with the bicycle. The methods of use and interaction of the body with the 3 pedal, saddle and handlebar support points are in fact coded and coded in order to guarantee perfect interaction. We are therefore referring to the method of positioning on the saddle. The second question refers to the action of personalizing your position in relation to your physical and postural characteristics. All this is achieved through a method that can be empirical (trivially your feelings) or rational. A rational method must be able to evaluate your physical structure and the necessary adjustments to be made to your bicycle. Guarantee comfort, performance and fun to your rides, in three […]