Your Top Riding: cycling evolution
It took man 2 million years to go from four-legged to standing position.How long will it take for humans to achieve perfect use of the bike? How long will it take me to reach an ideal position on my bike to reach the top of comfort, performance and fun in my ride? The two questions are apparently the same in reality there is a subtle difference.
Methodology and Method
The first question refers generically to the human being, man or woman, interacting with the bicycle. The methods of use and interaction of the body with the 3 pedal, saddle and handlebar support points are in fact coded and coded in order to guarantee perfect interaction. We are therefore referring to the method of positioning on the saddle.
The second question refers to the action of personalizing your position in relation to your physical and postural characteristics. All this is achieved through a method that can be empirical (trivially your feelings) or rational. A rational method must be able to evaluate your physical structure and the necessary adjustments to be made to your bicycle. Guarantee comfort, performance and fun to your rides, in three words : Your Top Riding
As you will have already understood, the two answers are connected to each other and represent the path you will have to travel to reach the top evolution on the pedals. The answer to the first question is linked to the evolution and diffusion of a discipline called biomechanics applied to cycling and to the development of bike positioning techniques known as “bike fitting”.
You can and must give the answer to the second question on the basis of the knowledge of your body and your bike mediated with the sensations in practice and support a specialized biomechanics consultancy (Biomechanical Method).
The biomechanical method must respect some methodological canons and in particular the scientific procedure consisting of evaluation – intervention – verification. The achievement of your result is strictly linked to “how” to implement the adjustments and customizations to your bicycle according to your specific needs.
Top Riding
You can already guess that “Top Riding” is both science and art and derives from the study and knowledge of two entities, “your body” and “your bicycle” and the variable and invariable elements that constitute them. Both have known parts and others. unknown parts and, again, invariable elements and variable elements.The challenge of Top Riding is played on the terrain of this knowledge and on the skills necessary to elevate this interaction to perfection in the gesture of pedaling.
So for us Top Riding means:
100% Comfort, 100% Performance, 100% Fun
Now, regardless of your specialty and sub-specialty or your level of practice, your age and physical condition, your pedaling always has room for improvement. Not only that, even before that, your position on the saddle “always” has room for improvement, sometimes very large. tall; the same can also happen to your bike in interaction with your body.I know, your goal is not necessarily performance, but the comfort and fun that derive from it deserve the same attention and originate from the same studies and precautions. no matter what your specialty is, road, gravel, mtb, triathlon (draft and no draft) or sub-specialty, “Top Riding is your right as a cyclist”.
The cycling and body elements involved are always the same and are connected with the expression of pedaling propulsion and with the riding of the bicycle. The transition from theory to practice inevitably presupposes the use of a method, whether empirical or scientific. If you are reading this in-depth analysis, I assume that you are not here to settle for some empirical suggestions.
In summary, the methodology traces the general lines of biomechanics applied to cycling and the method is the implementation process of actions that allow you to reach the goal of maximizing pedaling quality. The method should be simple, logical, respectful of the scientific procedure (evaluation intervention verification) and effective, that is, achieve the objectives pursued.
Velosystem® Method
The Velosystem® Method we wish to talk to you about has evolved in over twenty years of research and application in the field. evolve and refine analysis tools and procedures, algorithms and technical support.
The synthesis of the Velosystem® Method is the service characterized by 10 steps with the aim that gives the name to the service, Top Riding.
The 10 stages that will allow you to reach your Ride to the Top are as follows:
Ride Velò !